Chains come in a variety of forms. In my own case, its forgiveness. I struggle greatly to forgive those who have hurt me. Maybe your chains come from your past. Maybe you have been broken in ways you could have never imagined.
One chain that we never talk about is addiction. This is one that is personal to me. We don't often think of addiction as something that can turn deadly, but the unfortunate truth is that I lost one of my best friends to addiction this past summer.
Maybe your chain comes from your fear of how others see you. Maybe you are so afraid of what people might think about something you are doing that you are willing to stab other people in the back.
Maybe your chain comes from anxiety. It is so easy for someone who doesn't struggle with it to say something along the lines of "Cast your anxieties upon him". This is indeed a biblical statement, but it goes deeper than that. It's almost like people who say that have this expectation that one who faces anxiety will all of a sudden be completely rid of it.
I have known a number of people who faced sexual abuse in their past. The trauma of this can create chains within itself. It can create feelings of brokenness. Feelings of worthlessness. Feelings of self loathing.
Even as Christians, we aren't automatically free from chains. True, death has no claim over us, but even as Christians we have battles that we fight on a daily basis. Sometimes we feel like we are losing control. Sometimes we feel like we have to have control.
Over the summer after camp ended I began attending the young adult ministry at my church called TheLivingRoom. Having the opportunity to do so has been a blessing. It is a time of community. A time of gathering. A time of support.
A common theme we have been talking about is being in community with one another. You cannot break chains like addiction, lack of forgiveness, anxiety and others by yourself. You can't do it without Jesus, but you are going to find it very difficult to break chains without a community supporting you.
Maybe your chain is depression. This is a controversial topic in the christian community as there are some who believe that one who battles depression is doing something wrong. The truth is, that isn't true at all. Pastors, worship leaders, youth leaders all around the globe have battled with this.
Maybe your chain is something that you feel like you have to hide from everyone. That belief comes from the enemy. No matter what your chain is. Do not try to face it and break it alone. THERE IS POWER IN THE NAME OF JESUS TO BREAK EVERY CHAIN
If you know that you are bound by chains, talk to a friend. Talk to a counselor. Talk to somebody. Spend time in prayer. Spend time in the word. Enter into accountability relationships. Go through therapy if you must.
I'm going to finish this post by sharing a song that has been sung every week since the beginning of September over at the Worship Center. There is so much truth to it.